Dave A. Beshara announced his retirement from the Board of Directors of the bank as of April 2018. He served on the Board for 33 years and served as the Board Chairman for the past 17 years. Dave inspired the creation of our commercial lending department and the opening of the Bank’s first branch in Methuen, Massachusetts. The Board, bank staff, and his colleagues will miss his inspiration, friendship, and ongoing support and we thank him for his service. We are also pleased to announce the appointment of Nadema A. Gemmell as our new Chairman of the Board of Directors. Nadema has served as a member of the Board for the past 32 years. Under her direction and leadership, we will continue to reaffirm our commitment to our mission, expand our strategies and tactics, and strengthen our leadership.
Please join us in congratulating both Dave and Nadema as they take on their new ventures.